Cria Season officially over!!
Friday, September 9, 2011

loveable little Radar and his buddy

Melia- 3 months old now and as cute as ever

the little bottle baby- Ava
On July 31st Catalina delivered the last cria of the season, a little white male. He might be even cuter than his full sister Lola. He looks very similar to the other Shamroc babies Melia, Trinity , and Grand Illusion. Actually on rainy days it is very hard to tell the little man, Trinity, and Grand Illusion apart. We have ended the season with a total count of 4 female and 3 males and are very happy with all of them, they are very funny to watch run around the field. We actually have another little female boarding on the farm with the babies to, She was orphaned at a month old on another farm and has settled in nicely here, taking the bottle well and bonding with the rest of the herd.
Show season starts back up next month a we will attending 2 shows. The Rockton Alpaca Fair on Oct 9 and CNASF East, the 29 and 30.