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Averegan Alpacas

Where Top Genetics Create Award Winning Colour

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AO Spring Show

SVA Aston's Deefender
Get of Sire

Get of Sire

Melia Grand Champion

Melia Grand Champion

Male and Female Fawn Champs

Male and Female Fawn Champs

Well we are back from the Alpaca Ontario Spring Show. Close to 400 entries make this one the largest show in Canada. We took 7 animals and here's how they did Averegan's Trinity (now owned by Datrix Alpacas) 2nd Juvi white female Averegan's Summit (owned by Datrix) 3rd Juvi white male Averegan's Legend's Tempest 2nd Juvi brown female Averegan's Grand Illusions 2nd Juvi Multi male light Averegan's Melia 1st Juvi Fawn female/ GRAND CHAMPION FAWN FEMALE BKD'S McCoy 2nd White two year old males SVA Ashton's Deefender 1st fawn two year old males SVA Ashton's Deefender GRAND CHAMPION FAWN MALE SVA Ashton's Deefender SUPREME MALE DEEFENDER BEST IN SHOW!!! Our male Shamroc Alyst placed 3rd in,GET OF SIRE with only 6 offspring on the ground to choose from This was a great win, the comments were "this male is stamping his fleece characteristics, head style and substance of bone on every one of these offspring, not to mention the shine in these well nourished fleeces" We are very happy, and had a great time seeing all our alpaca friends, Congratulations to everyone on their wins.

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