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Averegan Alpacas

Where Top Genetics Create Award Winning Colour

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Say Hello to Arriba Winona

As I mentioned in my previous post this past fall we are thrilled to say that our favourite male Averegan’s Argo has been chosen as the newest herdsire at Arriba Linea Alpacas. She has an outstanding grey and black program and he will be a great addition to her lineup. Not to mention he will get a lot more work at Lori’s place. He has spent a couple summers with Lori breeding and according to her, he walks in find the highest spot to stand on just like he owns the place. He is close by for us to visit so that a great thing as well. We couldn’t let Argo go without negotiating with Lori to have Arriba Winona. Winona was the first Argo cria born out of Lori’s top black producer Willomina. Winona is gorgeous, looks just like her dad and is an absolute sweetheart. She has some great black names in her pedigree and we are hoping to try her with grey in the hopes of creating something amazing. She is just approaching 2 and we are going to have fun picking out males over the next few years to breed her to. It is a shame that we couldn’t show her because of covid-19 as I am sure she would have done incredibly well.